Ayurveda and Your Health

Ayurveda brings us to wholeness.

It helps us to return to our natural state of health and true self, or pure consciousness. It is practical. The central idea is that we use the healing methods to return health and balance within our bodies. It is participatory, meaning our choices change our bodies. With each shift in our experiences, our biology shifts. It is preventative. Studies show that 95% of chronic diseases can be reversed and prevented from by our lifestyles. It is personalized. Learn your dosha, based upon your prakruti, or your constitution at birth. Find your vikruti and learn the imbalances, where they are in the body and how to get back in balance.

Would you like to return to wholeness? Together we can walk through the 6 Pillars of Health: Improve your Nutrition, and learn how to eat for your Dosha type. Improve your Sleep based upon the circadian rhythms. Increase your daily Movement that work best for you. Build your Emotional Health through learning effective communication methods. And, practice Self-Care that most benefits YOU!

As a Chopra Certified Ayurveda Instructor, Let me help! Connect with me today, for a free consultation.